ビタミンC 誘導体(Vitamin C) Ampoule ~ Japanese product review

Vitamin C ampoule by まるまる美容液

Vitamin C infused oil essence used to lighten skin reducing the signs of aging and dark spots. It leaves the skin smooth and moisturized with a light weight oil that is easily absorbed into the skin.

How to use*

After cleansing the face and using a daily toner, apply a few drops of ampoule onto the face and press/ pat gently until fully absorbed into the skin. Apply daily skin care and makeup as usual.


~ Unfortunately none that I can think of


~ Uses mostly lab created chemicals with a weak dose of citric acid

~ Very thin and watery (first ingredient is water…)

~ Not a single change in my skin’s appearance for better or worse

~ No moisturizing properties

Product Results

I was so disappointed in this product in so many ways. Not only because it was mostly chemical based with a squeeze of citric acid for its natural ingredients, but because it was so watery it was like applying colored water to my face. It did absorb quickly but there was no difference in the moisture level of my skin and throughout the day it didn’t improve. My skin didn’t become lighter and the elasticity wasn’t improved. I’m not really sure why they advertise this as a #1 ranking product in Japan when it’s so clearly a rip off. I bought this product hoping to get a strong concentration of Vitamin C for my skin which can work miracles on restoring its health, but don’t waste your money on this one I know I won’t again. I prefer using natural ingredients and this product was far from it. Goodbye Vitamin C it’s time to break out the lemon juice instead.

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